Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some of you know we lost Zack last week.

Zack came from Bob & Lois Wilthew as a stud fee puppy. Mom & Dad picked him up at the airport and he sat on my Mom's shoulders all the way home. He lived with me at my house for about 3 years, Mom said she wanted her own dog, maybe a little dog... then she thought maybe Zack might like to spend some time with them as I was traveling with so much with work and with Mocha so he stayed and became their dog.

He was the only Dal we have ever had that really liked to fetch and retrieve. He also sat-up and would do it so he could see out the window better. He never stole anything from the counter or table. He was a kinder, gentle kind of dog. Zack never went with Mom & Dad in their boat as he did not like to movement of the boat, but he loved going in the motorhome with them.

It was a quite end, with Mom, Dad and myself at the Vet's. Dad brought an oatmeal cookie for Zack and left his hat for Zack. It was so sad as it always is, but comforting to know that he is free of his failing body and mind.

Tramac Dapple by Design "Zack" 9-25-95 - 3-17-09

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Zack. I'm sure he'll be missed by his family. Looks as though he lived to a very good age. Please express my sympathy to your parents. I cry over everyone's beloved old dogs . . .

